A new command Update File has been introduced in FEM-Design. It is accessible from the main menu: Edit → Update File.
The Update File command gives a possibility to update elements that were initially imported from struxml to FEM-Design with the changes that have been made in Revit afterwards:
- Material change
- Section / Thickness change
- Geometry change
Changes in material/profile/thickness/geometry properties are detected in the file containing the updated model in relation to the elements that are exported to FEM-Design at the moment. After the initial model is imported to FEM-Design, it has to remain at the original coordinates exported from Revit. Otherwise, the update of the model with changes performed in Revit will not be successful.
The procedure to update a model in FEM-Design is as follows:1. Export the updated Revit model into new .struxml file.
2. Open a FEM-Design project containing the model that has been originally imported from Revit.
3. Go to Edit → Update File.
4. Select the new .struxml file containing the updated model and press Open.
The functionality of the Update File command at the current state of development has some limitations concerning elements that have been deleted in the updated Revit model or in FEM-Design:
- If an element has been deleted in the updated Revit model, after using the update command, this element will not be deleted from FEM-Design model.
- If an element has been deleted in FEM-Design model (but not in updated Revit model) and then updated with other changes made in Revit, it will reappear in FEM-Design.