With the new IMPACT 3D multiuser database it is easy to connect various tools, applications and users to the 3D model. I have made two sandwich walls to show you some examples.

Here are the newly created walls in
Revit Architecture.
With the IMPACT Revit Tools you can save the walls to the IMPACT database. At the same time the walls will get unique IMPACT element ids.

Here are the same walls in
AutoCAD. With the IMPACT AutoCAD Tools you can add end caps, reinforcement proposals lifting devices etc.

Here are the same walls in a more detailed design.

With reinforcement mesh.

In Project Manager.
Now you can set the walls ‘Ready for Production’ and batch generate shop drawings, make reports and exports to production and planning systems like
Betsy, UniCAM, ELiPLAN, LEIT2000 and exports to reinforcement robots with
Unitechnik, BVBS and Q-Spec files.

You can also export to dwf for free viewing and markups.
Now you can update or generate the final model in
Revit Structure.

With the FEM-Design Revit Link you can export the model to
FEM-Design 3D Structure for analyses.

The walls in FEM-Design
The different tools like IMPACT Revit, IMPACT AutoCAD and IMPACT Project Manager are connected to the same walls in the database. Also the shop drawings are connected to the walls which means you can update the model from the shop drawing which sometimes is very efficient.
More connections:
In Revit you can import and export the walls as
IFC models.

With the IMPACT Open DataBase Connectivity (
ODBC) Data Source ‘IMPACT_9’ you can access the walls from any application, for instance
Microsoft Excel…

… or
Microsoft Project.

The first IMPACT Revit Tools will be included in the IMPACT 10.0 distribution this year. All other connections are available in IMPACT 9.0 or FEM-design 8.04.